Power Lunch: Using Client Friendly Tools

Where: Online Webinar | Virtual Meeting, New York, NY 10001 | View Map
Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Cost: Members only price Free
Join us for our monthly members-only online Power Lunch. Held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, our Power Lunches are an opportunity to openly discuss how to run a design business, and learn solutions directly from successful design business owners in a supportive, transparent setting. Each month’s informal discussion is loosely structured around a topic, but feel free to bring any questions you may have, challenges you are facing, or topics that you’d like to get insight from others.
This month we will be talking about client friendly design tools. What tools do you use that clients can work with and understand? Cloud based platforms make collaboration easier with version control and facilitating design feedback. What tools do you use in your practice that have been beneficial to your clients?
To maintain a conversational atmosphere, space will be limited, so register early. Registration opens one month before the event. Spark members must be logged in to the Spark website in order to see the register link. Once registered, you will receive a link to the private Zoom room. If you have a client, colleague, or vendor that you think would make a good addition to this month’s discussion, email their information to admin@sparkdesignprofessionals.org so we can send them an invitation to register.
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